Support our work in a more involved way.
Wilderculture offers corporate entities and private philanthropists an exciting opportunity to make a significant, tangible and accountable positive impact on people and the planet.
Our comprehensive ‘Wilderculture Approach transition’ process goes well beyond simply asking a farmer to make a few changes to benefit biodiversity or reduce their GHG emissions.
The training and coaching process is a world view changing experience that embeds ecological thinking in the owners and management team and fully supports the development and implementation of a holistic long-term, adaptable management plan that achieves multiple ecological outcomes. The cultural change required is reinforced by ongoing coaching and peer-to-peer support through our vibrant Wilderculutre community.
There are two main ways to support Wilderculture; through one-off or regular donations or by sponsoring one or more farm/estate transitions.

The cost of transitioning a farm is approximately £10,000, depending on the suite of baseline measures collected and size of the farm, but the positive impact this provides is exponential. In addition to the site-based positive nature and social impacts, a transition to Wilderculture facilitates the growing culture of regeneration and wildness that builds towards a tipping point where we can see wide-scale connectivity of nature and society in support of wilder landscapes.
Companies or private philanthropists can sponsor one or more farms and benefit from a package of communicable benefits and contact with the farm/estate/project that can be shared with customers or simply be valued for its private reward.
In addition to this opportunity, certain farms and estates may be interested in packaging up the measurable ecological change into a high-quality bundle of nature credits that can be used as offsets in the voluntary nature markets.
Measuring Ecological Outcomes
Collecting ecological baselines to demonstrate and quantify ecological, social and economic regeneration is occurring.
Training and Coaching
Comprehensive training including farm based, online, and a series of expert guest speakers.
Ongoing coaching support and peer-to-peer mentorship.
Regenerative Re-design
A regenerative re-design of the farming system to a low carbon, low impact, highly productive and highly resilient farming system suited to people and place.
Can You Help?
If you are interested in exploring supporting us in a more involved or way or want to make a significant contribution to our work then please contact Caroline on or send us a message through the contact form below.